Action India Home Products, H.O.2162/29 Main Patel Nagar Road New Delhi-110008
This is a iPhone 4 mobile phone, we have copy iPhone 4 and original iPhone 4, it is a normal mobile phone which has all functions of iPhone 4. But it is also a poker cheating device, as it is a iPhone 4 mobile phone camera to scan edge sides bar-codes marking playing cards for poker analyzer.
We have white color and black color iPhone 4 mobile phone camera, the scanning distance of iPhone 4 camera is about 20cm - 30cm and 25cm - 35cm.
As for our iPhone 4 mobile phone camera, we can change the batteries, so that you can use it to work with the bar-codes marked playing cards and your poker analyzers.
While how to use this iPhone 4 phone camera? You need to put the battery inside from back of phone, and push the switch upside to turn the camera on, and then put the sides marking playing cards on the table which the distance from the camera about 30cm, then the poker analyzer will analyze the bar-codes on the cards’ sides and tell you who is winners when you play Texas Hold’em, Omaha 4 cards or Omaha 5 cards or Russian seca game.
Wold Poker Tour
Poker cheat in cards game
Gamble cheat in all poker games
Casino Games
Poker match
Private cards game
Club cards games
Magic show of marked playing cards
All the products we provide use for magic show only, Please do not use for gamble. Action India Home Products reserved final interpretation