Action India Home Products, H.O.2162/29 Main Patel Nagar Road New Delhi-110008

English Poker Cheat Device Texas Holdem Analysis Software with XP System

Company Details

  • Brands Name:- Action India Home Products
  • Model Number:- XF-09001
  • Product Code:- PAS005
  • Contact:- 011-25702442
  • Contact:- +91-9999994242
  • Contact:- +91-9811251277
  • Contact:- +91-9811601716
  • Email Id:- [email protected]


Texas Hold Em Analysis Software was designed base on poker analyzer, as many players tried to change the way of dealing cards and playing rules, poker analyzer is no longer good enough for playing Texas Hold em poker games. Our idea is design and make a better system to replace poker scanner poker cheating system.

Advantages compare with poker analyzer:

Advantage 1: It will show number and suit of 52 cards in a line and show floop, turn and river by screen of computer. Also show ranking of all players
Advantage 2: It can change the cards position even other players cut cards after shuffle
Advantage 3: It can set the floop, turn and river by ourselves if other player request shuffle cards again after deal cards to each player
Advantage 4: It can analysis the ranking for each ground
Advantage 5: Set up big blind, little blind, dealer by ourselves
Advantage 6: It can tell user to change the winners after burn some cards

Operating System:

This software can install in all computer with XP, Vista, Windows 10 and IOS. In order to make it works table and perfect, Please close anti virus software before open this software.

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