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Mans Leather Wallet Camera Poker Scanner To Scan Marked Poker Cards Bar Codes

Company Details

  • Brands Name:- Action India Home Products
  • Model Number:- XF055
  • Product Code:- PS033
  • Contact:- 011-25702442
  • Contact:- +91-9999994242
  • Contact:- +91-9811251277
  • Contact:- +91-9811601716
  • Email Id:- [email protected]


It is a new style leather wallet for man, it looks nice and elegant, it is a common wallet for modern man. While it is also a cheating wallet, but how it cheats? As it has a mini camera inserted inside which is able to scan the sides edge bar-codes marked playing poker cards, so that the poker analyzers can analyze the bar-codes and speak who are first winner and second winner when you play Texas Hold’em game or Omaha 4 cards game or Omaha 5 cards game, or Russian seca game or flush game, while analyzers will tell you what the cards are when you play the game - report one by one which no matter is from top to bottom or from bottom to top, you just need to wear the micro wireless earpiece.

This new leather man’s wallet cameras are able to work with any poker analyzers, no matter your poker analyzers are MDA or V68 or CVK or K2 or K3 Samsung Galaxy poker analyzer.

As for this new leather man’s wallet cameras, it can be changed the batteries, so that you can use it to work much longer time.

As for scanning distance, it can be reached about 100cm.

And we also can make remote control to turn the camera on and off, but it will depend on your choice and requirement.


Wold Poker Tour
Poker cheat in cards game
Gamble cheat in all poker games
Casino Games
Poker match
Private cards game
Club cards games
Magic show of marked playing cards

All the products we provide use for magic show only, Please do not use for gamble. Action India Home Products reserved final interpretation

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