Action India Home Products, H.O.2162/29 Main Patel Nagar Road New Delhi-110008

Plastic Vacuum Water Cup IR Camera Water Bottle Camera For Marked Poker Cheating

Company Details

  • Brands Name:- Action India Home Products
  • Model Number:- XF03001
  • Product Code:- PS058
  • Contact:- 011-25702442
  • Contact:- +91-9999994242
  • Contact:- +91-9811251277
  • Contact:- +91-9811601716
  • Email Id:- [email protected]


This is a real water bottle which you are able to keep the water or tea inside, so that when you are thirsty and you can drink, it is a very common product and no one will pay attention to your water bottle. As it is a common product and people won’t pay attention to it, so that its character will provide a chance to you to improve it to be an unusual product, such as poker cheat product.

Our vacuum water bottle camera is a device to work with poker predictor, as there is a mini camera inside the bottom of this bottle to scan the marked playing cards, you can open the bottom and change the batteries and charge the battery, there is mini switch to turn the camera on and off, and we also can makea remote control to turn the camera on and off.

As for the distance of this water bottle camera, we can make it for many different distance range, such as 20-30cm, 25-35cm, 30-40cm, 55-60cm, 60-70cm, 70-80cm. You will have many choice for the camera to scan the marked cards.

As for this water bottle camera, we can make different frequency to the camera so that you can use it to work with your poker analyzers.


Wold Poker Tour
Poker cheat in cards game
Gamble cheat in all poker games
Casino Games
Poker match
Private cards game
Club cards games
Magic show of marked playing cards

All the products we provide use for magic show only, Please do not use for gamble. Action India Home Products reserved final interpretation

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