Action India Home Products, H.O.2162/29 Main Patel Nagar Road New Delhi-110008

Portable Playing Card Scanner Blue Plastic Lighter IR Camera

Company Details

  • Brands Name:- Action India Home Products
  • Model Number:- XF03025
  • Product Code:- PS059
  • Contact:- 011-25702442
  • Contact:- +91-9999994242
  • Contact:- +91-9811251277
  • Contact:- +91-9811601716
  • Email Id:- [email protected]


It is a real plastic lighter, you can use it to light your cigarettes or other things. In all people eyes, lighters are very very common thing, as every one, every family has at least one piece of lighter, while as it is a very ordinary object, so there is no one will realize the lighters are one of cheating device which can be used to scan edge bar-codes marking playing cards for poker analyzers, so that poker analyzers will analyze the bar-codes markings and give you correct results.

One set of lighter camera will include one piece of lighter case, two pieces of batteries, one piece of mini camera and one piece of small magnet;

The magnet’s function is to be used to turn the camera on and off, plastic lighter camera is made with mercury switch, and after you use the magnet to turn the camera on, you also can turn the lighter over to turn the camera off, this designation is very convenient to safe power, as you can turn the plastic lighter camera on and off anytime.

The distance of plastic lighter camera can be made with several ranges: 6cm-12cm; 10-15cm; 15-20cm; 20-30cm; 30-40cm; 40-50cm; 50-60cm.


For further question, please kindly require at our online service center.

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